Yep ! tengok dah nak exam baru sibuk nak update masa lapang dulu ada? nan hado nya and now! it's already February and it means that i only have 2 more weeks left
to prepare for final exam. But I'm so lazy now, I'm not in the mood to
study at all. fiuuhhh. How to cover all the
subjects, chapters, subtopics, notes, formulas, summary, mind-map? It’s normal
when we get stress when exam is around the corner,but keep our
faith,keep saying that ‘I CAN DO IT‘! or sekadar hanya di mulut sahaja. I'm relax before my real final exam. Too relax maybe ??? when study weeks begins i'm start worried about my final examination. my focus right now just for u! my current CGPA need to improve it..
ok dah lupakan then sambung dengan 2nd random
give me five geng ! i will miss this moment .
activity-activity yang "aku and the geng" buat sebelum final exam.

bersama kawan susah senang dari 1st semester. I've
been lucky enough - well, maybe unlucky enough to have had a lot of
friends who have had their ups and downs. And for an actor, that's good.
Life experience in any regard is good. So I've seen a lot and I've had
my own experiences.

with intan-santan. dia adalah seoarang ( educated clown ). bila aku sedih terus tak jadi nangis sebab dah nama pun clown kan? tugas dia adalah menghiburkan aku yang tengah sedih. haha. but sometimes, sumpah wey aku tak tahan dengan perangai dia, rasa macam nak putus kawan pun ada ! statement berani mati. ala bukan dak intan baca pun blog aku, melainkan kawan-kawan aku yang menyampaikan ? susah nya dapat kawan yang mulut tempayan mangkuk ni. :P ok gurau.

sebelum exam juga, amik mood baca novel seberapa banyak yang boleh !
this is my way just want to motivated my self.
menyempat. yang baju cokolat tu saya acah-acah busy sebelum exam bermula ;)
muka nak pucat stress je haku. final exam is coming soon please come back my study mood. ok la korang doakan kejayaan aku ye. cewah poyo ! bye. untill then.