hai assalamualaikum, harini 1st day on April kan? alhamdulillah dah masuk 2nd week in new semester, disebabkan ni (short semester) banyak sangat masa terbuang. Actually, tak dala terbuang sangat, everyday ive got class, tapi tak dalah se-pack (long semester) untuk 3 subject which is Seminar, Promotion and Advertising dengan Cross Culture Management ni, banyak dah project aku dapat, paling dekat adalah debate! okay sangat excited teringat zaman sekolah dulu 'syarahan dengan debate' adalah acara kegemaran, itu dulu la bila rasa power, sebab tak da persaingan.Kau tengok next week, tak nak hebat pulak classmate aku. eh hai Diana! im too admire u okay ! hahaha.
itu cerita sekolah saya! cerita title pasal saya bawah ni, sebuk sedih bagai. bila si dak Intan bukak lagu jiwang! bagai laju je air mata ni keluar. dengan intan aku mmg tak boley nak nyorok. sebab dia sorang je faham ap aku rasa even aku tak cerita lagi. bertapa kuatnya aura mawi kitaorang ni. huhu.
For 1 weeks I have been pretending that I am ok. I
have become very good at hiding the way I feel from other people.Sometimes I feel really sad and depressed and during this time I
cry all the time for no reason and can’t be bothered doing
anything. Sometimes I am happy and feel normal. I can sometimes feel happy
for days or weeks but then, sometimes for no reason I just start feeling really
bad.I have never told anyone how I feel and no-one has guessed
because I usually manage to hide the way I am feeling, hoho. nak buat apa la tunjukkan kita sedih kat orang ni, orang bukan faham apa kita rasa kan? paling tak pun suruh sabar then bebel panjang-panjang. Dan seminggu ni paksa kawan-kawan teman kan! tu penting nya kawan, bf/gf kita boleh clash kan, tapi kawan? mana nk dapat. huhu.
aku selalu percaya for jadikan kita kuat, yang Allah tests us with a situation that we think is difficult or takes away something that in our mind was good for us, we need to remember that perhaps it may not be so. Perhaps if we had continued in our way, it might have been harmful for us and whatever Allah decreed for us is actually better for us, for He is All-Wise and All-Knowing. :)
aku selalu percaya for jadikan kita kuat, yang Allah tests us with a situation that we think is difficult or takes away something that in our mind was good for us, we need to remember that perhaps it may not be so. Perhaps if we had continued in our way, it might have been harmful for us and whatever Allah decreed for us is actually better for us, for He is All-Wise and All-Knowing. :)

ayu, intan thanks sebab selalu dengar ( cerita luahan hati kak lin suria cinta ) aku ni. miahahaha. thanks lots. inaz tak taula kalau korang tak ada, mesti porak peranda hidup aku ni. ;') jumpa lagi. bye!
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