lagi dua minggu final exam.
first result mid term yang sangat menghampakan tak sama macam result zaman diploma,cis kenapa suka bandingkan degree dengan diploma einaz? its totally different la. come on past its past just do it your best in final im always thinking might be crying right now about something really sad that happened. What ever happened, happened. It’s over now. Forget about it, its the past.,and who cares about the past? but i cant just forget about it it not just the past it’s the present and the Future
dan untuk menghilangkan kesedihan
mr future sanggup temankan ke tempat yang paling rasa dapat hilangkan stress "pantai" “I have always loved the beach. The smell of the salty water, the wind in my face, the gentle roar of the waves all combine to create a sense of peace and calm.” allah ciptakan sesuatu dengan indahnya.
location : pantai kelebang, Melaka.

pasir yang halus :
copie form fb einaz :P
Cinta ibarat pasir..
Makin digenggam makin menghilang..makin sikit tersisa..
Kalau dibiarkan terbuka di tapak tangan kita, ianya akan kekal ..
Bila da dibiarkan terbuka, jangan pulak dibawa berlari..
Takut nanti ianya akan jatuh juga sikit-sikit. Pepandai la korang nak jaga pasir tu jangan bagi hilang dalam gengaman
puitis tak ? tak faham ? macam ni la sebenarnya ( yeah Google search please) :P

"Here's my heart and soul, please grind them into hamburger, and enjoy.

jalan sikit pasir masuk dalam kasut. lepas ni bila nak jalan kat tepi pantai sila pakai boot :P

keindahan yang membuatkan sesiapa sahaja yang dalam kesedihan akan tenang dan gembira, termasuk aku ;D

Only one thing has to change for us to know happiness in our lives, where we focus our attention.

the happiest in my life when someone made my day. love you :) 
p/s sekarang suka sangat baca quotes yang boley motivate kan diri. life anda love can made my day happy. need focus on my final exam, try harder and smart than before. doakan sayer ye. BYE korang,
einaz..blh approve kta kt fb x..g klebang x ajk pown
awak nama awak apa ea?
try baca buku motivation from aidh al qarni.. :)
cantik gambar sbb orgnya cantik ^__^...
nak ajak Einaz join ni link>>
einaz..blh approve kta kt fb x..g klebang x ajk pown
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