eh hai! Assalamualaikum,
Omooo 2nd week on mysemester break! (jangan nk bunyi macam-macam la kan) puiyh! Lama tak update blog.This is my second entry for fourth semester at MSU,so i have 2 semester left lompat tinggi-tinggi! .So,just make it short.( LAGI NAK SHORT,EVEN TAU BLOG TERBIAR LAMA)

( ey ter copy pulak gambar lama, takut korang dah lupa owner blog ni. huiy,huiy :P )

eh teeeerrr lagi hahah
Okay ini alasan biasa seorang student. bila blog terbiar quiz! test! quiz! test! quiz. that is what i have for the whole weeks sampai blog lama terbiar, okay tu propaganda semata-mata. As my last semester result was
like phuuhh ( dengusan kekecewaan disitu) tula main banyak sangat kan dah! u deserve it inaz! So,this semester I try my best to grab the best pointer .I
want to make a great improvement on my study. And this semester is
killing me with dozens of assignment, almost every night I had discussion
to finish up my assignment ( hoiy asyik nak propa je ko ni -__-) As far as I can see,this assignment do help
me to increase the course work marks for each subjects.
Alhamdulillah,compare to last semester,my marks for every test in this
semester were better.Good as long as I don't fail or almost fail.I'm
grateful for that. *proud of myself even tak kenal malam ke siang, siang tido malam berjaga, oh nenek si bongkok tiga..
This semester also,I get to know
my classmates closer especially the guys.yarh i know i like macam sombong duduk lombong tak tegur dengan mereka, sebab ada several event yang terpaksa i combine dengan diaorang si jejaka, maka i now the guys, rasa menyesal tak kawan dari dulu sebab mereka sangat membantu especially final aritu, thanks allah ! sumpah wey, boy its better than gilrs, Learning together, sanggup ajar aku berulang-ulang-ulang kali.( nampak gatal disitu tapi nak buat macam mana kalau diaorang tak kedekut ilmu dengan saya) Well,it
take time to get knowing them ,either boys and girl. What ever it is, i learn to get more friends during my degree :)
hokay tu yang kita tunggu tadi cakap short tapi bila dah start type tak boley berhenti, until then, see you when i see you! tak promise bye bloggers, bye readers:)
tq , :)
Aah kan,senang ja alasan busy tu sebab semua orang boleh terima. Hehe padahal,ada ja masa terluang even sikit. Cuma kita ja yg malas nak update blog kan? Hehehe Same goes to meeeeeee ^___^
Gudluck! Semoga dapat result yg cemerlang sem ni :)
tq, doakan inaz ye :)
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