bukak2 blog Einaz Shah Rizal Thomas terus lagu raya. OK iklan jap! hihi Alhamdulillah sejak terima offer latter dari MSU for progression student life as become more meaningful, Ok, I know there are a hundred thousand stories similar to mine, and yet
I feel my experience with The Secret is a tad bit different. I had
never heard about "The Secret" the lots of secret being a collage student. I start from November 2011 dan insyallah tak lama lagi kami semua dah nak intership! kejap je masa. Pejam celik macam biasala orang guna nak belambangkan kejap nya masa tu berlalu kan?

yang kanan tu eva dengan lysa, siapa baca dari dulu aku punya blog ni mesti pernah tengok kan muka makhluk cantik ni. kenal mereka dari zaman diploma sampai la sekarang.

Intan and ayu kenal dari 1st semester degree. Over my time at collage, the main thing I have picked up, as a
person, is to be more selective about the friends and acquaintances I
make. I’m sure you can imagine how overly eager and enthused everyone is
to meet you during fresher’s week, but as time goes on, you get to know
people better and better, and may discover you simply do not get as
bila dah nak hujung semester baru jumpa si cantik huda. ok tak tipu kulit dia sangat cantik hokay, jelez mak i nox.
OK moh la kita photoshoot dengan semua classmate saya yang bersama-sama mejayakan bermacam-macam event. dan event lagi event . dan paling tak sabar kesemua event yang kami buat untuk ke international trip. yeah!
mula-mula free style la konon! i will miss the moment. :'( University or collage is the best and sometimes most difficult time in a young
person’s life. Because you’re not just getting to know hundreds of new
people and a new hometown, but you’re also getting to know yourself as
you develop and progress as an academic and a personality.
lagi have lots great time with them.

apa yang aku gelak pun tak tau, kan dah bagitau kalau dengan diaorang ni semua mesti tak berhenti gelak tau !
ok marila marila marila marila bersama kita behave.
The best advice I can provide as kakak-kakak sangat for any new student is to get involved-
with everything! rasa menyesal la juga tak involve dari 1st semester, No matter whether you’re mildly interested in a club or
society or positively nuts about it, each new place you go and new
activity you embrace gives you a chance to meet new people and grow,
independently as a person. ok itu sahaj dari kakak korang ni.
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